September 28, 1936: With the opening theme of "Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life?" during the 15 minute opening segment, Bachelor's Children debuted on CBS. The show aired at 9:45 A.M, with an additional show airing on Mutual Network at 10:15 A.M. The daily serial, featuring natural dialog, made the audience feel like they were watching a real event. This made Bachelor's Children become a favorite show for many listeners. The show was sponsored by Old Dutch Cleanser, Palmolive, Peet Soap, Colgate Toothpaste, and Wonder Bread. The story revolved around bachelor Dr. Bob Graham, who happened to have twins. These babies were put under his responsibility through the dying request of his previous sergeant in the military service. Dr. Bob couldn’t find the words to decline the request because the sergeant was able to help the doctor during his difficult times. Bachelor's Children also included Dr. Bob’s best friend, Sam Ryder. In the course of the story, the two meet t...