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March 28, 1912 Frank Lovejoy was born

On this day in 1912 Frank Lovejoy was born.

March 4, 1952: President Truman dedicates the Courier

  March 4, 1952: The first ever maritime broadcasting vessel, the Courier, was dedicated by President Harry S. Truman in Washington, DC. The Courier, known as 'Doddridge', would sail away and perform many duties, including reporting. After Truman's dedication, she became known as 'The Vessel of Truth'.

February 18, 1908 Staats Cotsworth was born

On this day in 1908, Staats Cotsworth was born.

February 12, 1924: First Presidential Political Speech Heard on Radio by 5 Million Listeners

Today in 1924, Calvin Coolidge , known by many as the 'Silent Cal', made the  first presidential political speech on radio. The speech originated from  New York City and was broadcast on five radio stations. Some five  million people tuned in to hear the President speak. Calvin Coolidge 1924 Speech  * * * This  country needs every ounce of its energy to restore itself. The costs of government are all assessed upon the people. This means that the farmer is doomed to provide a certain amount of money out of the sale of his produce, no matter how low the price, to pay his taxes. The manufacturer, the professional man, the clerk, must do the same from their income. The wage earner, often at a higher rate when compared to his earning, makes his contribution, perhaps not directly but indirectly, in the advanced cost of everything he buys. The expenses of government reach everybody. Taxes take from everyone a part of his earnings and force ev...

February 7, 1950 Night Beat made its radio debut

On this day in 1950, Night Beat made its radio debut!

February 6: Eddie Cantor made his radio debut.

On this day in 1931, Eddie Cantor made his radio debut on Rudy Vallee 's The Fleischmann Hour .

January 28, 1905 Howard McNear was born

On this day in 1905, Howard McNear was born.