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Showing posts with the label calvin coolidge

March 4, 1925: The First President's Inauguration Broadcast on Radio

March 4, 1925: On this day, inauguration of President Calvin Coolidge was broadcast from the President's oath of office in Washington DC for the first time. The inauguration was the second inauguration of Calvin Coolidge as the beginning of his second term as the 30th President of the United States. The event was attended by Charles G. Dawes as Vice President. Chief Justice and former president William H. Taft administered the Oath of office, and It was the first time an inauguration was broadcast nationally on radio. Calvin Coolidge 1924 Speech  * * * This  country needs every ounce of its energy to restore itself. The costs of government are all assessed upon the people. This means that the farmer is doomed to provide a certain amount of money out of the sale of his produce, no matter how low the price, to pay his taxes. The manufacturer, the professional man, the clerk, must do the same from their income. The wage earner, often at a higher ra...

February 12, 1924: First Presidential Political Speech Heard on Radio by 5 Million Listeners

Today in 1924, Calvin Coolidge , known by many as the 'Silent Cal', made the  first presidential political speech on radio. The speech originated from  New York City and was broadcast on five radio stations. Some five  million people tuned in to hear the President speak. Calvin Coolidge 1924 Speech  * * * This  country needs every ounce of its energy to restore itself. The costs of government are all assessed upon the people. This means that the farmer is doomed to provide a certain amount of money out of the sale of his produce, no matter how low the price, to pay his taxes. The manufacturer, the professional man, the clerk, must do the same from their income. The wage earner, often at a higher rate when compared to his earning, makes his contribution, perhaps not directly but indirectly, in the advanced cost of everything he buys. The expenses of government reach everybody. Taxes take from everyone a part of his earnings and force ev...

February 23, 1927: FRC Formed

February 23, 1927: On this day law about forming of Federal Radio Commission was signed by U.S. President Calvin Coolidge . The president wants this commission can makes regulation for radio stations, so in the future no more chaos that caused by unregulated radio stations. This commission makes regulation about frequencies, hours of operation and power allocation for radio broadcasters across the US. On 1st July 1934, Federal Radio Commission was changed into Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The Federal Radio Commission (FRC) was a government body that produced regulation of  radio use "as the public convenience, interest, or necessity requires." in the United States.  On December 21, 1926 Senator Clarence Dill and W.H. White proposed The Dill White Bill was  the first bill actually considered by the Senate to start regulating the radio waves. The bill gift the power to regulate radio waves and licenses to a committee of five members (one member represe...