June 8, 1942: The original show of Clara, Lu and Em began in 1931 on NBC. The comic soap opera was then revived on CBS.
Clara, Lu and Em vanished into radio oblivion after being broadcast for only a short while.
Clara, Lu and Em made a comeback as a revival on the CBS network. First aired over a local AM radio in Chicago, it was considered one of the first soap operas on the radio. It became a standard for all soaps that came after it. The show was described as a light drama with a few comedic stunts from three tongue-wagging Midwestern housewives.
Clara, Lu and Em made a comeback as a revival on the CBS network. First aired over a local AM radio in Chicago, it was considered one of the first soap operas on the radio. It became a standard for all soaps that came after it. The show was described as a light drama with a few comedic stunts from three tongue-wagging Midwestern housewives.
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