January 6, 1974: The first transmission of the drama series Radio Mystery Theater marked the comeback of drama shows on CBS radio. The show was presented by E.G. Marshall and aired on 218 CBS radio network stations.
Marshall opened each show with, "Come in. Welcome. I am E. G. Marshall."
The show had a creepy vibe created by the creaking of an opening and closing door. The show was successful and ran until 1982.
Marshall opened each show with, "Come in. Welcome. I am E. G. Marshall."
The show had a creepy vibe created by the creaking of an opening and closing door. The show was successful and ran until 1982.
I've heard a lot of them. And, I have them all on MP3cd.
ReplyDeleteThe Bullet is one of the best. 41 YEARS AGO!!?? I'M OLD!!! This was one of the best radio shows of all time, btw