October 9, 1935: On this day, for the first time CBS aired a half hour drama titled Cavalcade of America. The dramatic radio series featured famous actors in the leading roles and was narrated by Thomas Chalmers. The story of the drama was about obscure incidents and people in American history. Donald Voorhees was the orchestra leader. The program was aired from 1935 to 1953 and moved from CBS to NBC in 1939. The DuPont Company was the only sponsor of the program for the entire duration with its famous slogan, "Better things for better living through chemistry..."
Cavalcade of America was an anthology drama series, although it occasionally presented a musical.
Cavalcade of America documented historical events through people's stories of courage, initiative and achievement, completed with good dramatizations of the human spirit's triumph against all odds.
Cavalcade of America was an anthology drama series, although it occasionally presented a musical.
Cavalcade of America documented historical events through people's stories of courage, initiative and achievement, completed with good dramatizations of the human spirit's triumph against all odds.
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