October 6, 1937: CBS broadcast Hobby Lobby, a program hosted by Dave Elman, American hobbysist. The show theme is "The Best Things in Life are Free" and was sponsored by Fels Naptha soap, Hudson Paper Products, and Colgate Dental Creme.
Hobby Lobby was actually created by Dave Elman himself. The show involved encouraging people to write about their unusual hobbies, and a select few would come to the radio to promote it and have it judged by invited celebrities. The show was such a huge success that many people sent mail about their hobbies, and there also were celebrities who wanted to appear on the show. Hobby Lobby lasted until 1948, when Elman decided that he would continue teaching hypnosis to medical doctors and dentists.
Hobby Lobby was actually created by Dave Elman himself. The show involved encouraging people to write about their unusual hobbies, and a select few would come to the radio to promote it and have it judged by invited celebrities. The show was such a huge success that many people sent mail about their hobbies, and there also were celebrities who wanted to appear on the show. Hobby Lobby lasted until 1948, when Elman decided that he would continue teaching hypnosis to medical doctors and dentists.
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