January 10, 1943: The radio quiz show The Better Half was transmitted for the first time on Mutual. The show involved 4 married couples participating in feats comprising of customary ideas of "womanhood" and "manhood".
The Better Half was a funny quiz show where couples were pitted against each other to find out which of them was the "better" one. The questions were quite easy, and were derived from categories such as travel, household items, colors, etc. The losing couple was required to sit in the audience and watch the rest of the show. Tiny Ruffner hosted the program during its entire run.
The Better Half was a funny quiz show where couples were pitted against each other to find out which of them was the "better" one. The questions were quite easy, and were derived from categories such as travel, household items, colors, etc. The losing couple was required to sit in the audience and watch the rest of the show. Tiny Ruffner hosted the program during its entire run.
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